How Long will it Take to Achieve Complete Recovery From a Concussion?
Most individuals tend to feel better within days of rest following a concussion. However, it is important to know that when the symptoms are gone, that doesn’t mean the brain is back in its proper state. The best method to know if you have attained full recovery following this condition is simply by meeting with a certified CCMI specialist. They will perform varieties of tests on various aspects to know the current state of the brain.
When you meet with Milestone CCMI practitioners, they will use a multi-modal method to assess your post-injury and other possible symptoms. In addition, other areas such as concentration, proprioception, reaction time, balance, memory, strength, and other possible areas of concern will be assessed. For patients, who engage in high-risk activities and sports, will undergo an additional computer-based neurocognitive test.
Most people recover from concussions within 2 weeks after commencing adequate treatment. While younger athletes tend to take much longer to recover. Due to different concussion that occurs, a person’s recovery time may either be quick or may take much time. If a patient’s recovery takes longer, an additional evaluation will be conducted, and their treatment plan will be modified to address identified signs and symptoms.